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Ellen G. White - A Psychobiography
Also Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
There are only two works in Adventism that have attempted to apply some psychological evaluation to Ellen White, an activity that is nearly considered to be blasphemous by many Adventists. Janet Numbers Swain has written a valuable chapter in the revised edition of her husband’s, Prophetess of Health, which will be addressed in chapter three. Bernie Irwin wrote a sympathetic or apologetic psychobiography of the young Ellen, entitled, Ellen White We Never Knew You. The primary value of this volume as I see it, is that it provides a genogram or ancestral chart of the Ellen Gould Harmon White family, and a number of historical insights into the families’ background that are largely based on an unpublished paper by Ron Graybill, former associate director of the White Estate. I have prayed that, if my own attempt at psychobiography provided in this book will do more harm than good, God will not allow it to be completed or published. Otherwise, it is my hope and prayer that many who have been harmed by religious bondage and spiritual fraud will experience deliverance as well as new found freedom. And that this volume will contribute to the growing literature of psychobiography, as well as to raise important questions about the nature of religion and religious authority. ~ Steve Daily, Ph.D ~ |
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prognostico rodada brasileiraoEm resumo, o Astropay é um método de pagamento amplamente aceito no Brasil que oferece conveniência e segurança para transações on-line. Muitas plataformas aceitam a astroPaay muitas outras são aceitas pelo sistema como plataforma do comércio eletrônico (incluindo as redes comerciais online), provedores serviços em prognostico rodada brasileirao linha ou instituições financeiras; se você está comprando na internet por uma assinatura pagando contas pagas pela empresa) com sucesso: Com os negócios eletrônicos da companhia – entender quais opções aceitarão ajudar nas decisões informadadas Assim, da próxima vez que você precisar fazer um pagamento considere usar Astropay! superstars. Step into an outdoor arena to battle using your best ninja skills! You can customize facial features, makeup, 💶 and clothes for a truly one-of-a-kind superstar! What are the best free Anime Games online? prognostico rodada brasileiraocomo transferir o bonus bet7k ~ Steve Daily, Ph.D~ |
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Os 7 Melhores Jogos para se Entretener por Email
No mundo moderno, ficar em prognostico rodada brasileirao contato com amigos e familiares é mais fácil do que nunca, especialmente com a tecnologia avançada de hoje. Se você está procurando por algumas maneiras divertidas de se conectar com seus entes queridos, por que não tentar jogar alguns jogos emocionantes por email? Neste artigo, vamos explorar os 7 melhores jogos para se entretener por email, para que você possa se divertir e se conectar com seus entes queridos, onde quer que eles estejam.
1. Words with Friends
Este jogo de palavras é semelhante ao Scrabble e é um dos jogos de tabuleiro online mais populares do mundo. Você pode desafiar amigos e familiares a jogar palavras e competir por pontos. Além disso, é uma ótima maneira de manter a mente ativa e aprender novas palavras.
2. 20 Questions
Este jogo clássico de adivinhação é uma ótima opção para jogar por email. Você pode escolher um objeto e enviar pistas para seus amigos, que tentarão adivinhar o que é. Quanto mais pistas você der, mais fácil será adivinhar o objeto, então escolha sabiamente!
3. Two Truths and a Lie
Este jogo é uma ótima maneira de se conectar com amigos e familiares enquanto se divertem. Cada pessoa diz três coisas sobre si mesma, duas verdades e uma mentira, e os outros tentam adivinhar qual é a mentira. É uma ótima maneira de se conhecer melhor e passar um bom tempo.
4. Trivia Crack
Este jogo de perguntas e respostas é uma ótima opção para quem gosta de desafios intelectuais. Você pode desafiar amigos e familiares a responder perguntas em prognostico rodada brasileirao uma variedade de categorias, desde história e ciência até esportes e entretenimento. Quem sabe mais responderá corretamente e ganhará a partida.
5. Draw Something
Este jogo de desenho é uma ótima opção para quem gosta de ser criativo. Você pode desafiar amigos e familiares a desenhar uma palavra e enviar a imagem por email. Os outros jogadores tentarão adivinhar a palavra com base no desenho. É uma ótima maneira de se divertir e se conectar com seus entes queridos.
6. Guess the Song
Este jogo é uma ótima opção para amantes de música. Você pode enviar trechos de músicas por email e desafiar amigos e familiares a adivinhar o título e o artista. Quanto mais difícil for a música, mais difícil será adivinhar, então escolha sabiamente!
7. Hangman
Este clássico jogo de adivinhação é uma ótima opção para jogar por email. Você pode escolher uma palavra e enviar traços em prognostico rodada brasileirao branco para seus amigos, que tentarão adivinhar as letras. Se eles acertarem, a letra será preenchida no traço em prognostico rodada brasileirao branco; se eles errarem, uma parte do homem será desen
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Adventism for a New Generation
(Free Shipping!) "Throughout the book I felt the author was reaching out to people like me and telling us that he wants to be our brother in Christ and to join hands with us in the ongoing work of missions and evangelism... It is the best book I have read explaining Seventh-Day Adventism."
~ Tony Campolo, Ph.D ~
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The Wonder-Full World of Worship
(Free Shipping!) There has never been a more exciting time for worhsip in the Kingdom of God on earth. The power of corporate worship is bringing healings and visible manifestations of God's presence in many places, including our own house of worship. In addition, God is bursting beyond church walls to take His anointing to the streets through His people. This book contains a series of edited sermons on worship preached by the senior pastor of Kingdom Life Fellowship.
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The Heresies of Jesus - Getting Heretical with the Radical Christ
(Free Shipping!) Following his highly successful "Adventism for a New Generation" (already through three printings) which carries the endorsement and forward of Tony Campolo, Steve Daily has spent the past three years devotionally saturating himself with the life and teachings of Jesus. This book, with its companion volume Jesus for a New Generation, is the result. The Heresies of Jesus was born out of an in depth study of the words Jesus spoke and the conflicts and confrontations he encountered as recorded in the Gospels. Each of its twelve chapters focus on a different heresy that Jesus was branded with by the religious establishment of his day. But what makes these heresies so fascinating is their obvious relevance to those who seek to follow Jesus today. As you read them you too may hear the call to become a heretic with Jesus for the kindgom of God.
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Should the Kingdom Confront Globalism?
Description Coming Soon... (Free Shipping!)
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Jesus My Body and Me
(Free Shipping!) These are challenging times to be raising children. As a Christian father, I first became aware that I needed a book like this when my pre-adolescent daughter began to pepper me with questions of a sexual nature. She was already being exposed to some rather bizarre ideas about sex in the first grade. Therefore, my primary motivation for creating this reader was to help my wife and I meet the needs of our daughter and her younger brother. However, it is also my hope that other parents will find this book to be a helpful tool as well.
Research, experience, and common sense all tell us that pre-adolescent children between the ages of 5 and 10 are much more curious and receptive to parental ideas concerning sex than teenagers or adolescents. Yet, traditionally if Christian parents have attempted to provide their children with any kind of sex education at all, it has often been a rather awkward attempt to briefly present the "facts of life" at the dawning of adolescence.
This approach seems unfortunate for two reasons. The first reason is because most young people have already obtained the most basic factual information about sex from any number of potential sources before adolescence strikes. So once it becomes a reality, they feel that their parent's feeble efforts to communicate on this important topic are "too little and too late." They often feel embarrassed that their parents are "out of touch" or may even feel conscious or unconscious resentment that they had to learn about sex on their own at an age when their parents seemed unwilling or unable to talk openly with them about their sexual curiosity.
The second reason is that adolescence is a period where young people begin to establish their own independent identity. It is risky and unrealistic for us as parents to assume that our children will be particularly receptive to our Christian or moral values relating to sex at this stage in their development.
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Jesus for a New Generation
(Free Shipping!) Following his highly successful Adventism for a New Generation (Already through three printings) which carries the endorsement and forward of Tony Campolo, Steve Daily has spent the past three years devotionally saturating himself with the life and teachings of Jesus. This book, with its companion volume The Heresies of Jesus, is the result. Jesus for a New Generation was born out of an in depth study of the words and principles spoken by Jesus in the gospels. Each chapter develops one of the twelve major priorities that Jesus emphasized most, during his astonishing ministry on earth. The appendix also contains a unique comprehensive concordance to the words of Jesus that prioritize them according to their numerical use. This tool will give you the ability to effectively study and apply the puzzling priorities of Jesus to your own life, today.
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The Miracle Meal
(Free Shipping!) This book contains a series of seven life-changing sermons on the subject of the Lord's Supper that were preached as a series by Senior Pastor Steve Daily, at Celebration Center Church in Redlands, California, in the fall of 2006. Jesus said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you" (John 6:53). Could it be that much of the powerless Christianity we see in churches today can be traced to our misunderstanding, and failure of faith, with regards to His words? This book explores the incredible power and potential that resides in the symbols of the bread and wine that Jesus gave us. A powerful new generation is emerging today, who take Jesus at His word and receive this miraculous ministry from His own hand.
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Saving Your Marriage Without a Counselor
(Free Shipping!) "This book contains a wealth of information that is exciting, well researched and of great value to any spouse who will take the time to read it. Given the cultural crisis that faces us, we need more books like this, that elevate the priority of putting our kids first, and that value marriage and family in a healthy and balanced manner. Those of us who care about preserving the foundational family principals which have made this nation great, need to stick together. Saving Your Marriage is powerful, practical, spiritual and includes many important insights about counseling and therapy that every potential client should consider. I commend the material in this comprehensive volume and admire the author even when I don't agree with him." Dr. Laura Schlessinger - National Syndicated Talk Show Host
Ellen G. White - A Psychobiography
There are only two works in Adventism that have attempted to apply some psychological evaluation to Ellen White, an activity that is nearly considered to be blasphemous by many Adventists. Janet Numbers Swain has written a valuable chapter in the revised edition of her husband’s, Prophetess of Health, which will be addressed in chapter three. Bernie Irwin wrote a sympathetic or apologetic psychobiography of the young Ellen, entitled, Ellen White We Never Knew You. The primary value of this volume as I see it, is that it provides a genogram or ancestral chart of the Ellen Gould Harmon White family, and a number of historical insights into the families’ background that are largely based on an unpublished paper by Ron Graybill, former associate director of the White Estate. I have prayed that, if my own attempt at psychobiography provided in this book will do more harm than good, God will not allow it to be completed or published. Otherwise, it is my hope and prayer that many who have been harmed by religious bondage and spiritual fraud will experience deliverance as well as new found freedom. And that this volume will contribute to the growing literature of psychobiography, as well as to raise important questions about the nature of religion and religious authority.
~ Steve Daily, Ph.D ~
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The Prophetic Rift II
(Free Shipping!) This is a book about how Seventh-day Adventism has historically misunderstood and misapplied the prophetic gift. Ellen White and her prophetic ministry are generally referred to by Adventists as the Spirit of Prophecy. But, this label belongs to the "testimony of Jesus" in Scripture, and not to any single human being. Adventists originally imposed an Old Testament understanding of prophecy on Ellen White as a seventeen-year-old woman because they did not have a healthy understanding of New Testament prophecy, and Ellen White, in turn, imposed this view on herself. The rest is history, but history that can still be changed--by God's grace!
"Steve Daily is the brightest student that I have ever had"
Dr. Joseph Hough, President of Union Theological Seminary and Professor at Harvard, Vanderbilt, and Claremont.
"This two volume set combines Steve's commitment to scholarly research with his knack for addressing highly relevant and controversial issues in the most stimulating and insightful manner. It is a huge challenge to present Adventist thinking in a radically honest context, that is still gracious and redemptive.
Rudy Torres, former Sr. Pastor Sligo SDA Church
On Sale
On Sale
The Prophetic Rift
(Free Shipping!) This is a book about how Seventh-day Adventism has historically misunderstood and misapplied the prophetic gift. Ellen White and her prophetic ministry are generally referred to by Adventists as the Spirit of Prophecy. But, this label belongs to the "testimony of Jesus" in Scripture, and not to any single human being. Adventists originally imposed an Old Testament understanding of prophecy on Ellen White as a seventeen-year-old woman because they did not have a healthy understanding of New Testament prophecy, and Ellen White, in turn, imposed this view on herself. The rest is history, but history that can still be changed--by God's grace!
"Steve Daily is the brightest student that I have ever had"
Dr. Joseph Hough, President of Union Theological Seminary and Professor at Harvard, Vanderbilt, and Claremont.
"This two volume set combines Steve's commitment to scholarly research with his knack for addressing highly relevant and controversial issues in the most stimulating and insightful manner. It is a huge challenge to present Adventist thinking in a radically honest context, that is still gracious and redemptive.
Rudy Torres, former Sr. Pastor Sligo SDA Church